Monday, February 18, 2013

Shannon's Weekly Chase #8

Last week was a little overwhelming with my husband's surgery and my oldest son having strep so I didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted too...

1. Continue with my plank-a-day...I think I will go back to posting on Instagram/Twitter and hold myself more accountable that way. Success!!! Posting on Instagram helped!! 

2. Continue to work on my 100oz of water daily. I generally only drink water since I have cut soda's etc out so you would think it would be easy... Not as successful as hoped but I was close to 100oz on several days. 

3. Put my ideas for the blog on the blog this week including our Double Bridge Run and a product that I am testing. I have my ideas ready to put on the blog but with taking care of my husband I haven't had time to sit long enough and put them on the blog. 

4. Challenge Goal - Same goal just another family member. :) Success!! I even managed to sneak in a Valentine's note in my oldest son's lunch box. 

5. Challenge Goal - this should be easy since I'll be at the hospital for quite awhile...I am starting my notes now to leave behind. Success!! I was also able to leave notes at the dentist's office and the pediatrician's office since my oldest son came down with strep the day before my husband's surgery.

6. I almost forgot my biggest goal...finish our shirts for the RnR Full Marathon!! Partial Success! I was able to finish my friend's shirt but wasn't as careful with mine and made a mistake...hope to have it finished by Wednesday. 

So...this week is marathon week and my nerves are starting to go crazy!! I wasn't able to go to the gym or run last week after my husband's surgery so that didn't help release some of my nervous energy.

My goals for this week are: 

1. Hydrate!! I'm am going to have to make myself do this! 

2. Reach out to a few friends who I don't see often and let them know how special they are. (Challenge Goal)

3. My husband has his post surgery followup this week so I will have an opportunity to leave a few notes behind for operation beautiful in that office while I wait.

4. Finish my marathon shirt!! I have another option if I can't get the original idea to work.

5. Plank-a-day...even when I am in Nola! If only I had to nerve to actually plank on Bourbon Street lol. 

I hope everyone has a great week!! ~S


  1. You definitely have to plank on Bourbon Street! I'll take the pic! Haha! Good Luck with the marathon! You will do great! xo


  2. I want to see your shirt and also please let me be there for the bourbon street plank!!!
    i might join you :)

  3. Bourbon street plank sounds hilarious...just watch out for puddles lol! You never know what kind of liquid it is...ugh! Sorry! I shouldn't have gone there lol! Good luck this week Shannon! Can't wait to see your marathon shirt!
